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Text File | 1996-05-23 | 6.8 KB | 237 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- {Preferences file handling}
- {Principle: If we can write in the app itself, we do, but if not, or if there is already}
- {a prefs file, we use a pref file in the system folder. (The idea is that it is very elegant}
- {to save prefs in the application, whenever that is allowable.)}
- {New version (march -94), stand-alone, takes file name and type as parameters,}
- {can be forced to create a pref file, includes resource copying routine.}
- {Newer, summer -95: no globals. Cleaned up some more.}
- {What can we improve? Check the "shared" flag and set alwaysExternal if it is set?}
- unit Preferences;
- {Special thanks to Peter Lewis, who made and released source-code to DeHQX v2.0.0 © Peter Lewis, Aug 1991 }
- interface
- uses
- Types, QuickDraw, Fonts, Events, Packages, Menus, Dialogs, Windows,{}
- OSUtils, ToolUtils, Resources, Folders, Files, Memory, Errors;
- {$ENDC}
- function SetPrefFile (prefsFileName: Str255; prefCreator, prefType: OSType; var appFile, prefFile: Integer; alwaysExternal: Boolean): Boolean;
- {Open the pref file if needed. Return the variables appFile and prefFile.}
- {If alwaysExternal is true, we always want a pref file in the system folder even if we can save in the application.}
- {Returns true if a new prefFile was created.}
- {Copy a resource from one file to another. Useful when SetPrefFile returns true!}
- function CopyResource (fromFile, toFile: integer; theResType: ResType; id: integer): OSErr;
- implementation
- { 1) Find the Preferences folder}
- { 2) Kolla om prefsfil existerar. I så fall, öppna den och gå till 6. }
- { 3) Get a resource and change it with ChangeResource. If it worked, go to 6.}
- { 4) Create a pref file and open it.}
- { 5) Get resources from the app and copy to the pref file.}
- { 6) Get resources, create if they don't exist.}
- var
- sysEnv: SysEnvRec;
- {$ELSEC}
- const
- { From Folders:}
- kPreferencesFolderType = 'pref'; {preferences for applications go here}
- { From Folders:}
- function FindFolder (vRefNum: INTEGER; folderType: OSType; createFolder: BOOLEAN; var foundVRefNum: INTEGER; var foundDirID: LONGINT): OSErr;
- inline
- $7000, $A823;
- {$ENDC}
- function GetDirID (wdrn: integer; var vrn: integer; var dirID: longInt): OSErr;
- var
- procID: longInt;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- oe := GetWDInfo(wdrn, vrn, dirID, procID);
- if oe <> noErr then
- begin
- vrn := wdrn;
- dirID := 0;
- end;
- GetDirID := oe;
- end;
- function GetPrefsFolder (var ovrn: integer): OSErr;
- var
- vrn: integer;
- sDirID: longint;
- oe: OSErr;
- pb: WDPBRec;
- oDirID: longint; {förr var-deklarerad utvariabel}
- oVolID: integer;{förr var-deklarerad utvariabel}
- begin
- vrn := sysEnv.sysVRefNum;
- if sysEnv.systemVersion >= $0700 then {System7}
- begin
- sDirID := 0;
- oe := GetDirID(vrn, vrn, sDirID);
- oe := FindFolder(vrn, kPreferencesFolderType, true, oVolID, oDirID);
- {Convert FindFolders volref+dirid to WDref}
- pb.ioVRefNum := oVolID;
- pb.ioWDProcID := longint('ERIK');
- pb.ioWDDirID := oDirID;
- pb.ioWDIndex := 0;
- pb.ioNamePtr := nil;
- pb.ioCompletion := nil;
- oe := PBOpenWDSync(@pb);
- {$ELSEC}
- oe := PBOpenWD(@pb, false);
- {$ENDC}
- ovrn := pb.ioVRefNum; {WDRefNum}
- end
- else
- begin
- ovrn := vrn;
- oe := NoErr;
- end;
- GetPrefsFolder := oe;
- end;
- function SetPrefFile (prefsFileName: Str255; prefCreator, prefType: OSType; var appFile, prefFile: Integer; alwaysExternal: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- err: OSErr;
- prefsFolder: integer;
- h: handle;
- s: str255;
- begin
- err := SysEnvirons(1, sysEnv);
- appFile := CurResFile; {save the resfile of the app}
- prefFile := 0;
- SetPrefFile := false;
- { 1) Find Preferencefolder}
- err := GetPrefsFolder(prefsFolder);
- if err <> NoErr then
- ;
- {ReportStr('Error finding system folder.')}
- { 2) If preffile exists, open it and go to 6. }
- prefFile := OpenRFPerm(prefsFileName, prefsFolder, FSRdWrPerm);
- if ResError = noErr then
- begin
- {Consider checking preffile versionnumber!}
- end
- else
- begin
- prefFile := 0;
- { 3) Get a resource and change it with ChangeResource. If it worked, go to 6.}
- {If alwaysExternal is true, we don't have to check.}
- if not alwaysExternal then
- begin
- h := Get1Resource(prefCreator, 0); {The program always has a signature if it has a BNDL.}
- if h = nil then
- begin
- {ReportStr('Resource missing!');}
- end;
- ChangedResource(h);
- alwaysExternal := ResError <> noErr; {Note that alwaysExternal is changed here to signal the descision to create a new pref file!}
- ReleaseResource(h); {Done with the resource}
- end;
- if alwaysExternal then
- begin
- { 4) Create a pref file and open it.}
- err := Create(PrefsFileName, PrefsFolder, PrefCreator, PrefType);
- if err = noErr then
- begin
- HCreateResFile(PrefsFolder, 0, PrefsFileName);
- if ResError <> noErr then
- begin
- {ReportStr('Couldn''t create resource fork!');}
- end
- else
- prefFile := OpenRFPerm(PrefsFileName, PrefsFolder, FSRdWrPerm);
- if ResError = noErr then
- SetPrefFile := true; {new pref file!}
- { 5) Get resources from the app and copy to the pref file.}
- {Done by your app when SetPrefFile returns true!}
- end{Create succeded}
- else
- {ReportStr('Failed to create prefsfile!')}
- ;
- end; {App write protected.}
- end; {Pref file didn't exist}
- { 6) Get resources, create if they don't exist.}
- {Done by your app.}
- end; {SetPrefFile}
- {Copy resource:}
- function CopyResource (fromFile, toFile: integer; theResType: ResType; id: integer): OSErr;
- var
- oldResFile: integer;
- res, rescopy: Handle;
- wasLoaded: Boolean;
- theID: integer;
- theType: ResType;
- theName: Str255;
- procedure Barf;
- begin
- CopyResource := ResError;
- UseResFile(oldResFile); {restore}
- exit(CopyResource);
- end;
- procedure CheckError;
- begin
- if ResError <> noErr then
- Barf;
- end; {CheckError}
- begin
- oldResFile := CurResFile;
- UseResFile(fromFile);
- CheckError;
- SetResLoad(false);
- res := Get1Resource(theResType, id);
- {CheckError doesn't work here, since we always must do SetResLoad(true)!!!}
- SetResLoad(true);
- CheckError;
- if res <> nil then
- begin
- wasLoaded := res^ = nil;
- LoadResource(res);
- CheckError;
- UseResFile(toFile);
- CheckError;
- GetResInfo(res, theID, theType, theName);
- CheckError;
- rescopy := res;
- if HandToHand(rescopy) <> noErr then
- Barf; {instead of DetachResource(res);}
- CheckError;
- AddResource(rescopy, theResType, id, theName);
- CheckError;
- ReleaseResource(rescopy);
- if not wasLoaded then
- ReleaseResource(res); {If it wasn't loaded, we don't leave it loaded.}
- CheckError;
- CopyResource := noErr;
- end
- else
- begin
- CopyResource := resNotFound;
- end;
- UseResFile(oldResFile);
- end; {CopyResource}
- end.